Placebo research has highlighted fascinating and surprising insights as to the induction of the placebo effect. This is hypothesised to be in large part due to the influence of care within a therapeutic relationship. Open Placebo studies (where the patient is aware they are taking a placebo) suggest this could be the case with self-care, with clinical improvements in symptoms with the daily consumption of inert placebo capsules. Outcomes have been shown to be enhanced with the use of added hypnosis, and hence we have designed a hypno-Placebo programme which patients can use in much the same way with the self-hypnosis. For cancer patients, we hope this might even protract remission and disease control following treatment, although this has yet to be established in trials.
This is to be used once your chemotherapy or radiotherapy response has been established. It has the potential to enhance your response to treatment used alongside a Placebo of your choosing, long after your treatment has been completed.
To use this audiofile most effectively you will need to obtain your own placebo product, of which there are a variety to be found on line, in different colours & sizes of capsules. If you have a problem with swallowing, you can find a palatable and soothing alternative to swallow (honey and water for example), or even a small bottle of body oil that you can individualise. Make this bottle your own, distinctive and pleasurable to apply, and label it for your use only. This capsule, liquid or application is primed to be a powerful post-hypnotic trigger to activate your immune system and physiological responses to maintain your health, and comfort. You can choose to use it once or twice a day, perhaps listening to this audiofile once a day initially but eventually perhaps, merely once or twice a week.
This choice embodies your will to live, your determined commitment to self-care, and supports the early evidence that ‘open Placebo’ studies have a meaningful benefit. Unlock your own form of immunotherapy aimed to maintain your response to treatment as long as possible. Pre-empt further studies by letting us know how you get on.
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