Hypnosis is a special form of ‘Focussed Attention’, during which time flies, hence using it will ‘Speed Treatment’ and with its ability to ‘Enhance Recovery’ both from infection or any treatment or intervention, and all this requires is a decision to set time aside for self care and explore just how many other benefits you can experience.
In fact, you can use Self-Hypnosis to great effect even if you are entirely well, to help you improve your resilience both psychologically and immunologically. Used with our FREE self-hypnosis training and Good Night’s Sleep audiofiles, you can rotate using these for a refreshing 20-30 minutes a day, and enhance your resistance to viral infections, sadly ever more important in the age of Pandemic Covid 9 infection. Reduced incidence of viral illness has been reported in studies where self-hypnosis use in both medical students and even patients with chronic viral herpetic illness had significantly improved outcomes, and measurable improvements in circulating immune cells. (https://doi.org/10.1002/ch.253> https://doi.org/10.1002/ch.253).
Finally one of the vital factors for optimal immune resilience is getting enough sleep, so learning to relax deeply and ensure a good stretch of deep sleep is part of your day is something you can control using these hypnotic resources too.
Showing all 7 results
Dr Rumi Peynovska
Duration (mins):9:02
Dr Rumi Peynovska
Duration (mins):19:23
Dr Rumi Peynovska
Duration (mins):16.16
Dr Sarah Partridge
Duration (mins):17.36
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Dr Sarah Partridge
Duration (mins):21.10