Peter, J.M.; Tran, U.S.; Michalski, M.; Moser, G.
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, suppl. 182: 84. S. Karger AG. (Sep 2013)


Abstract categories
Bowel disorder

Introduction: a recent long-term study has shown gut-directed group-hypnosis (GGH) to have a positive effect on refractory irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Patients with severe psychological disorders were excluded from that study. However, IBS is frequently associated with psychological co-morbidity. Aim of this study was to examine: a. if patients with psychiatric diagnoses do also profit by GGH; b. if GGH can lead to higher resilience. Methods: thirty seven gastroenterology outpatients with IBS (Rome III criteria), 26 (70%) of which had psychiatric comorbidity and participated in 7 to 10 GGH-sessions were included. Quality of life, physical and psychological well-being (visual analogue scales; 0=“extremely bad”, 100=“excellent”) as well as anxiety and depression (HADS) were measured before first, fifth, last GGH-session, and at follow-up (after 10.3 months averagely). Additionally, at follow-up, IBS severity and factors of resilience were measured. The same data were collected for a control group of 37 IBS patients not undergoing GGH-treatment. Results: comparison between begin of GGH and follow-up revealed significant improvement in physical wellbeing (mean 33.8 vs 57.3; p < 0.001), psychological wellbeing (43.0 vs 57.0; p < 0.01), quality of life (38.3 vs 58.9; p < 0.001), and showed reduction in anxiety (HADS: 9.8 vs 7.45; p < 0.001) and depression (6.6 vs 5.0; p < 0.01). Thirty patients (81%) indicated considerable improvement after GGH-treatment. This responder-subgroup showed lower IBS-severity and higher resilience (p < 0.001, respectively) than the control group. Conclusions: GGH presents a valuable therapy even for IBS-patients with psychological comorbidity. Lower IBS severity and higher resilience after treatment indicate better coping.